What is the governance structure of the program?

July 12, 2023 By abbey.palmer

Community Housing Futures Governance Group

The Programs Governance Committee is made up of representatives from Queensland Treasury, Department of Housing, the CEO of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Housing, the EO of Community Housing Industry Association of QLD and a representative from the Q Shelter management committee who is independent from Community Housing Organisations (CHOs). There are no CHOs on the Governance Committee of the program. In order to seek sector feedback to ensure the program meets and continues to meet sector need, the program relies on the peak organisations mentioned above, environmental scanning and the Industry Reference Group.

Q Shelter Executive Director is part of the delivery team and as such reports to the Governance Group.

The Industry Reference Group

The Program has an Industry Reference Group made up of representatives from CHOs to inform the program delivery and ensure it responds to industry needs. The Industry Reference Group does not have access to any information before it is published or any information about individual grant applications. If you are from a CHO and would like to join the Industry Reference Group, please contact communityhousingfutures@qshelter.asn.au

The role of Q Shelter Management Committee

Q Shelter’s management committee is ultimately responsible for oversight of contract delivery. Reports about the program’s delivery to Q Shelter management committee include risk reporting, financial reports and program milestones to demonstrate the delivery of the contract. No identifying information about CHPs is included in Q Shelter reporting to its management committee.

The role of other participating peak/industry associations

Each peak/industry body will provide reports on progress to their own governing body. No reporting to governing bodies will include identifying information about CHOs.

Key points

  • Early in the Program’s development, it was decided and formalised that the Governing bodies of the participating peaks would not assist in the detailed design of the program including the grants because they consist of CHPs that may intend to apply for grants or other services, and this may result in an unfair advantage.
  • Design of this program and program delivery decisions will be made by the Community Housing Futures Governance Group and not the governing bodies of the participating peaks.
  • No identifying information about individual CHPs will be provided to governing bodies of the participating peaks.
  • Oversight to the Approved Advisory Panel Grants Program methodology will rest entirely with the Community Housing Futures Governance Group.

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